Lap Update – I did two laps around the house with the walker yesterday. It was really challenging for some reason. My back muscles are so tight and very uncomfortable- Ugh! Gotta do some stretching to see if that helps today.
It’s early in the day still and I just stopped to write before I get ready to go to physical therapy……
Physical therapy was good today. I was pleased with my effort today. Darlene “pushed me around” today. This was an exercise to further strengthen my core muscles. I sat on the big balance ball (a chair on either side of the ball for safety) while she sat behind me and provided resistance to the direction that I was to push against. In the next exercise, I had to hold a dowel (an exercise stick) out in front of me at arms length while she pushed me in any given direction. I had to maintain my balance or recover my balance if I became unsteady. Although this sound fairly simple, it was very taxing. I actually broke out into a slight sweat from it. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I am very proud of being able to do this exercise because back in February of this year I was not able to sit on the ball unassisted, no less hold onto something and maintain my balance. I would have been on the floor.
On the way home on the Sunline Bus, I decided to continue this exercise by not holding on to the railing in the bus but keep my balance and not get thrown from the seat . The only thing that kept me planted was my core strength and the seatbelt. HaHa!